TESS AI for Businesses

Every Professional Deserves Their Own Generative AI: Revolutionize Your Workforce

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For Companies with 50+ employees

Global Ranking for AI Products

G2's Best Software Awards 2024​

#6 Pareto Tess AI

#10 ChatGPT

#22 Google Gemini

#28 IBM Watson

#45 Github Copilot


Global AI Product Leader

G2 revealed the list of the 50 Best AI Software of 2024, highlighting Pareto in 6th position. In the same ranking, sector leaders were also listed, such as ChatGPT, Google Gemini, IBM Watson and Github Copilot. Pareto Tess AI has also ranked #1 in Global AI Image.

Best AI Products 2024
Pareto is a leader in Synthetic Media on G2
Pareto is a leader in AI Image Generators on G2
Pareto is a leader in Small-Business AI Image Generators on G2

Your Superhuman Team

One AI. All Models.


Empower Every Department with Tess AI

The Whole Team's Tool for Every Department

Boost Software Engineering with Top LLM Performance & Interaction

LLM-Powered Coding: Unleash Full Potential

Our platform integrates leading LLMs like Tess AI, ChatGPT4 and Google Gemini, achieving 84.9% on HumanEval, ideal for code generation and debugging. Request real-time code analysis or optimize solutions using the largest models' collective intelligence. Revolutionize your development with cutting-edge language modeling technology

Crafting the Future of Marketing with Generative AI

Tess AI: The Artisan of Your Marketing Renaissance

Tess AI redefines marketing magic by blending classical creativity with generative AI sophistication. Dive into a world where captivating copy for campaigns, persuasive website content, and thought-leadership blog articles are conjured with the flair of Tess AI's linguistic alchemy. Expand your visual horizons with Tess AI Dream Model, crowned by G2 as the leading force in image generation. From the subtlety of Midjourney's nuances to the precision of Leonardo AI's designs, Tess AI weaves visual storytelling that captures imaginations and seizes market interest. Unleash Tess AI to not only reach but captivate your audience, merging the analytics of marketing with the aesthetics of masterful artistry.

Boost Software Engineering with Top LLM Performance & Interaction

Sales Mastery with Tess AI: Beyond the Pitch

Transform your sales force with Tess AI, where generative AI isn't just a tool—it's your competitive edge. By analyzing call sentiments, Tess AI provides real-time feedback to hone your team's communication skills, ensuring every conversation resonates with potential clients. Prepare for calls with AI-driven scenarios that anticipate customer needs and objections, equipping your team with the right responses. Tess AI optimizes pitch strategies, tailoring them to each prospect for maximum impact. Beyond just follow-ups, create a symphony of customized email cadences that engage and convert. With Tess AI, your sales team doesn't just sell—they create experiences that clients trust and remember.

Transforming Finance Teams into Financial Engineers with Generative AI

Blueprinting Your Financial Intelligence

Propel your finance team into a new era with Tess AI, where Generative AI endows them with the coding prowess and analytical depth akin to engineers. Tess AI equips your financial professionals with the tools to design sophisticated models, automate intricate data analysis, and develop custom coding solutions for financial forecasting. Embrace the transformative potential of Tess AI to redefine the landscape of finance, blending the precision of engineering with the strategic insight of finance experts.

Enhance HR Operations with Tess AI

Tess AI for Strategic Human Resources Management

Tess AI transforms the HR realm by automating and personalizing the employee experience. Score top talent with advanced analytics that predict candidate success, and employ Tess AI's conversational capabilities for engaging recruitment and onboarding. Benefit from sentiment analysis to bolster employee satisfaction, reduce turnover rates, and cultivate a supportive workplace culture. Tess AI serves as your strategic partner in building a resilient, innovative workforce.

With Our Tess AI Dream Models, Transform Your Workforce into Designers


Yes, we are better than the newest ChatGPT4

Tess AI LLM sets the standard in AI, surpassing benchmarks in expert knowledge, reasoning, and mathematics. It demonstrates near-human understanding and fluency across complex tasks. Tess AI excels in analysis, content creation, coding, and multilingual communication.

Access the world’s top AI models, including OpenAI’s ChatGPT4, Meta’s Llama 70b, and Google’s Gemini Ultra, all in one place with Tess AI LLM. Our platform allows API usage and cross-analysis between different LLMs, enabling unparalleled innovation and analysis.

AI Step enables easy no-code creation of AI apps, combining multiple models in minutes. Users can seamlessly integrate various LLMs for rich, interactive applications, making advanced AI accessible to all, regardless of technical skill. Build dynamic, multi-model AI solutions quickly and effortlessly with AI Step.

Unlock custom LLM creation with our premium enterprise service. Benefit from unlimited training tokens for a model tailored to your needs, offering unmatched precision and integration, all supported by our dedicated team.

GenAI for Large Enterprises

Have 100+ Employees?
Discover the Enterprise Plan

Train Tess AI with your company's vectorized data, on a dedicated and secure server. Choose between LLM models: Gemini, Llama or ChatGPT. Give superpowers to each employee to create their own AIs at Tess AI, gaining productivity and solving each team's challenges. Implement AI in your company with our engineering team in just a few days.


Secure Your Team's Work with Private Generative AI: No Data in Training Guarantee

Welcome to the Era of Generative AI

Join almost 1 million professionals and businesses

7-days Free trial

For Companies with 50+ employees