Pareto is the #1 Software in Brazil for Paid Media Automation. Discover the Best Opportunities among your Leads and Maximize your Results with Tess Platform's Artificial Intelligence.
Assign a score and automatically separate qualified leads from unqualified ones, optimizing your paid media campaigns for leads with a higher chance of becoming customers.
Connect and assign an automatic score to each lead through the responses received in your form with Pareto Lead Mapper.
Pareto's Artificial Intelligence will send the scoring to paid media platforms to automatically prioritize campaign investment for the most qualified leads.
Visualize the real return of each campaign and paid media ad. See the revenue and sales from your CRM directly attributed to the ads in the Google Ads and Facebook Ads interface.
Visualize the metrics of each funnel stage, such as indicators, qualified leads, meetings, and revenue generated in each ad and campaign to be more strategic and assertive.
Adjust the scoring criteria according to the sales team's capacity. Increase the volume of sign-ups when the team is idle, and prioritize quality when there is a queue of contacts.
Our team is your paid media right-hand man. Have experts to implement Tess Platform automations, develop a paid media investment plan and to create, analyze, optimize and evolve your campaigns.
"The Lead Mapper tool helps us avoid the temptation of attracting many cheap and low-quality leads. The way the tool assigns value to the lead, according to the filled field, gives us a better notion of what the breakeven point for our CAC is. Pareto identifies which platform brings the best result and automatically and constantly transfers the budget."
Vinícius Castro
Marketing Coordinator at Pulses
People and businesses in 107 countries have already boosted their productivity with Tess AI, Pareto's AI.
By avoiding wasting budget on unqualified leads, it is automatically redirected to the campaigns that bring in the best leads.
Reduce the time wasted on unqualified leads and prioritize those with higher sales potential.
Marketing and Sales managers jointly define the qualification criteria, ending the endless meetings to analyze the "quality of generated leads." This way, Marketing focuses on maximizing lead generation within the agreed profile, while Sales focuses on converting the received leads.
Have already boosted their productivity with Tess AI, Pareto's AI.
Join more than 350,000 people and companies who have already boosted their productivity with Pareto Artificial Intelligence.