You, Owner of a Generative AI and Marketing Agency
Become a licensed Pareto Plus and achieve the dream of owning your own business with the global leader in Generative AI.
Program Begins on 11/11/24
Limited Spots

pareto plus
Welcome to the Future

What is Pareto Plus?
Enhanced Quality and Productivity with Tess AI
With Pareto Plus, you can stay ahead of market disruptions and leverage the most advanced generative AI, powered by Tess AI, Pareto’s proprietary technology.
Tess has been recognized by G2 as a global leader in image generation and ranked as the #6 best AI globally.

The Ideal Pareto Plus Firm Owner Profile

Who Dream of Building Something
For Those Who Want to Be an Entrepreneur
A model designed for people who dream of having their own business and seek a scalable, profitable business model with the support and brand of a leading technology company.

Who is Ahead of Their Time
Artificial Intelligence Enthusiasts
We are looking for individuals who recognize the transformative potential of Generative AI and are willing to adopt new tools in their daily lives, changing the way marketing services are delivered and implementing AI in their clients’ routines.

Who Dreams Big
Ambitious and Magnanimous Individuals
We are looking for magnanimous candidates who dream of building great projects and aspire to create a successful business.
What are the advantages of becoming an entrepreneur with Pareto Plus?
Tess AI driving your services and Complete training in Generative AI through our AI Lab For Partners.
Becoming an entrepreneur with a leading Generative AI and Marketing brand, drives higher profitability and scalability
Increase negotiations and sales with Pareto's sales support
Centralize bureaucratic tasks and focus on your office's growth
Over 60 hours of training in AI and Business
What Does Pareto Offer to Pareto Plus Firms?
Immersion in Generative AI
We prepare you to become an entrepreneur using Generative AI, leveraging Tess AI, one of the top 6 AI platforms worldwide, as well as the entire Pareto technology stack.
AI Premium Services
Services that can be offered by the Pareto Plus Firms: AI Ads, AI SEO, AI Social, AI Email, AI Design, AI Web, AI Analytics, and AI Implementation.
Pareto Media Hub
The Pareto Plus ecosystem has over 10 media partners, aiming to diversify customer strategies and generate incremental revenue. Our firms can build a strategy with different channels for their clients.
AI Business School
Unlimited access to the first digital business school for AI training. Over 60 hours of training with Pareto executives on Generative AI, business, finance, marketing, sales, products, people management, etc.
Technology Stack
In addition to all of Pareto's technology, firms receive subsidized licenses for various cutting-edge digital tools, such as Hubspot (CRM), Google Workspace, Tess for Calls, among others.
Pareto AI Hub
Unlimited access to the leading AI training hub in Latin America, with over 12,000 students.

How is the Process to Open Your Own Pareto Plus Firm?
1. Registration Form
Fill out the registration form and complete our profile questionnaire. This is an assessment that helps us map your characteristics and compatibility with the model.
2. First Interview
An online interview to better understand your profile.
3. Second Interview
Presentation of the Pareto Plus model and advantages to have a Pareto Plus Agency.
4. Contract
If approved in the previous stages, we will send the licensing contract to formalize your participation in the New Offices Training Program, which will serve as your training for opening the office.
5. Training Program
After your admission, training will begin, lasting up to 90 days. The program has the following pillars:
- Onboarding: 3 days of immersion with the People team, aimed at presenting Pareto’s values and culture.
- Immersion in Generative AI: Intensive training in AI, practical challenges, and onboarding in Tess AI, Pareto’s proprietary AI.
- Sales and Macroprocesses: Sales training and presentation of playbooks and macroprocesses of the Pareto Plus model.
- Business Planning + Certifications: Strategic planning and Pareto Plus Certifications. Build a business plan and enable the office in AI Premium Services and partnerships.
- Licensing: After the Training Program, if approved, you will be invited to become the owner of your own Pareto Plus office

1,000,000 Users and Companies in 140 Countries
Have already boosted their productivity with Tess AI, Pareto's AI.
“A parceria com a Pareto nos trouxe uma nova visão para mídia online. Conseguimos trazer uma inovação incrível para o mercado com o uso de Inteligência Artificial.
A I.A. da Pareto automatiza a gestão das campanhas para que diariamente os produtos sejam priorizados conforme as condições climáticas de 157 cidades no Brasil, otimizando processos e melhorando a qualidade dos anúncios.”

Ricardo Oliveira
Marketing Digital na Saint-Gobain

“A Pareto, há alguns anos, já é nosso parceiro na estratégia de ampliação da nossa base de alunos e divulgação das nossas marcas.
Hoje, nossa proximidade e trocas constantes já permitem a criação conjunta de soluções que nos ajudam a alcançar nossas metas e objetivos. É muito bom saber que temos uma parceria de longo prazo na qual a Pareto se importa genuinamente com o desenvolvimento do nosso negócio.”

Beatriz Furtado Maluf
Diretora de Marketing no Grupo Salta Educação

"70% de crescimento em relação ao ano anterior, entregando um resultado de excelência no segmento de educação superior.
Assertividade nas análises e dashboards que promovem maior autonomia da equipe, redução do custo de aquisição. E com certeza, parte importante no resultado de crescimento.”

Sérgio Rocha Fernandes
Head de Estratégia e Marketing da Trivento Educação

“A Pareto tem sido nossa parceira durante todo o processo e um braço operacional e estratégico para que a gente atinja nossos objetivos.
Com a tecnologia da Pareto e a campanha estrelada pelo Rafael Portugal, a Multiplan impulsionou o uso do App Multi em 31% e reduziu o custo por instalação em 10%. A estratégia também impactou positivamente nas visitas aos shoppings.”

Breno Pulcheri
Head de Produto na Multiplan

“A combinação de inteligência humana e automações da Pareto nos ajuda a encontrar rapidamente soluções que corrigem mudanças não previstas.
Melhoramos constantemente os resultados das nossas campanhas, bem como a qualidade dos leads. Algo possível somente com o profissionalismo e foco do time Pareto.”

Marcelo Melo
Diretor de Marketing na IE Intercâmbio

“A Pareto tem nos ajudado a fortalecer a marca no digital, transformando e potencializando a venda online.
Identificamos um crescimento de novos usuários no site a cada dia, que vem de forma direta como resultado do trabalho da Pareto.”

Pamela Monteiro
Gerente de E-commerce na TACO
Questions & Answers
What is the target audience of the program?
People who want to start a business, are technology enthusiasts, and are looking for an opportunity.
What education or background do I need to participate?
There is no specific education required to participate in the model. We seek individuals who demonstrate the ability to execute and build a business. Those who have previously started a business, have operational experience, and/or have brought projects to fruition may have an advantage.
I have no idea what business to start, but I want to be an entrepreneur. Can I participate?
Of course. If you are in the process of studying opportunities and searching for an idea, you have found a path.
I have founded a company before and want to create a new business. Can I apply?
Absolutely! We will help you start your Pareto Plus Office.
I would like to start my business with a partner(s). Can only one person participate, or do the partner(s) also need to apply?
You can start the project with a partnership perspective or find your partner in our Training Program. However, it is important that all partners have completed the Training Program and been approved.
I have already applied. What happens now?
Now you just need to wait. We will contact you within a maximum of 24 hours.
How much time do I need to dedicate on average per week if selected for the program?
The dedication varies according to your knowledge of the weekly activities and related deliverables. We estimate a weekly commitment of 10 to 15 hours. We focus on results, not on time dedicated. After all, how much time would you dedicate to be the owner of your own business?
What are the deliverables of the program?
- Intensive training in Generative AI
- Licensing to become the owner of a Pareto Plus Office
- Qualification to provide AI Premium Services
How will communication with Pareto be conducted?
Without formalities and directly. The Pareto team will be close to the program participants, leading or facilitating the sessions. Throughout the Training Program, participants will also have contact with all Pareto executives.
How will interaction with other participants be?
Everyone will be in the same boat, with direct access to each other. We expect interaction to happen organically throughout the program. Who knows, you might meet a partner here!
Where does the Program take place?
The program is 100% virtual and lasts approximately 12 weeks.
What is the frequency of the meetings?
Most content is asynchronous. Synchronous meetings occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for networking, training, and ecosystem presentation. The program schedule is dynamic, adapting to the needs of each group.
What is the cost to participate?
To participate in the Program, a payment of 50% of the licensing and training fee is required.
What type of support is offered to participants?
The Pareto team provides constant feedback throughout the program, in addition to a proven methodology of training and certifications. We also encourage networking through sessions and contact with office owners for experience sharing and benchmarking.
When can I start operating my Office?
At the end of the Program, if approved, you will receive authorization to begin the licensing and operations of your Pareto Plus office. A licensing fee will then be due, which can be paid in installments.
Discover the Power of Artificial Intelligence
Join nearly 1 million individuals and companies who have already boosted their productivity with Pareto’s Artificial Intelligence.